The 2005 Mixer was held in October at the Omni Hotel, Dallas, TX Click to enlarge. Harry Harper Claudine Crater Witchen, Harry Harper, Jill House and Tom House Alice Zaccarello, David Ellis amd Doris Parker Suggs David Ellis Tom and Jill House Alice Zaccarello and Doris Parker Suggs Roger Franklin, Jack Hall with Bill Roady 2005 Mixer Mike Clayton with Teresa Morgan Dr. Mike Kenney, Gary Youngkin, Connie Gostos-Clark and Dennis Steger Harry Harper, Claudine Crater Witchen and Becky Bloodworth waldrep Ben and Synne Ferguson Claudine Crater Witchen with Al Cox Tav Walraven with Tricia McQuinn Phil Juergens, John and Darla Wright McCalib Connie Gostos Clark and Dr.Mike Kenney Harry Harper with Claudine Crater Witchen Tom House and Mike Morgan Jill House with Carla Lee Wagonner Janel Clardy Stamey and Gary Youngkin Denise and Bill Roady, Roger Franklin, Mike Clayton with Jack Hall Roger Franklin Charlie Donald, Denise and Bill Roady Denise and Bill Roady Gene Litke, Dave Ellis with Alice Zaccarrello Jimmy Vaughn Roy Bilberry and Pam Welsh Cox Molly Malone Heunermunn and Janie Danoff Diane Minter Lamasters amd Roseanne DeGraff Denise and Bill Roady with Jack Hall Marshall Barton Karen Sutherland Sams and Nancy Hanks Barton Darla Wright McCalib, John McCalib, Diane Minter Lamasters and Carla Lee Waggoner 2005 Mixer Thump Witchen Charlie Donald and Suzanne Graff Koskella Doris Parker Suggs, Nancy Hanks Barton and Anita Turk Fought Lynn Clark, Jim Barnes and Eric Laity Suzanne Graff Koskella, Mr. Koskella and with Connie Gostos Clark Kim and Dr. Paul Hamilton