Sunset High School...
Sunset High School opened her doors on September 21, 1925, making it the second high school in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Texas. At the time, there were only thirty-one teachers and fourteen hundred students. From her beginnings, Sunset has been proud of the scholarship and athletic excellence achieved by her students. But perhaps the greatest single factor for her success is the morale and spirit of its members which embodies the spirit of Sunset.

The Man Behind The Voice...
Dr. Henry Hester "Johnny" Johns was born June 10, 1916 and passed away December 10, 2007. He was a 1935 graduate of Sunset and also taught there for many years. He wrote the original Bison Speaks Script and was the voice of the Bison for over 50 years. Dr. Johns' love for all things Sunset was evidenced throughout his long teaching career.
Remember the Bison Speaks
“I am the Spirit of Sunset. I am the symbol of a heritage of splendid achievement and fine people who have made Sunset what it is today. Remember always our motto…’Spirit, Knowledge and Friendship’…you who are students here should strive to develop into individuals of whom I, the spirit of Sunset, can be proud. Sunset stands for the highest scholastic achievement, you will increase your knowledge and your power of reason. You will develop and keep throughout your life worthy and true friendships with other Bison. You will uphold the Bison tradition of good sportsmanship, fighting hard but fairly; seeking not self-glory, but glory for Sunset High School. On the playing field of life, I, the spirit of Sunset, will be with you. Sunset will emerge triumphant now and forever”
Sunset Victory March / Fight Song.
(Click the down arrow to the right to play. Will open in new page)
Sunset Alma Mater as performed by the Sunset Concert Choir and the Sunset Band.
Our thanks to Robert Haley, M.D., Class of 1963, for discovering this audio made during his Sophomore year at Sunset, 1961
(Click the down arrow to the right to play. Will open in new page)

Sunset High School receives landmark status...
On September 26, 2015, our school celebrated it's 90th Birthday. At that time, the City of Dallas and the Dallas Historical Society, designated our school a Dallas Landmark site. A historical marker has been erected at the school for all to see.

Sunset High School becomes an historical site...
On September 26, 2015, our school celebrated it's 90th Birthday. At that time, the City of Dallas and the Dallas Historical Society, designated our school a historical site. An historical marker has been erected on the Jefferson Blvd. side of the school for all to see.